Coach, Guide, Writer, Speaker,
Coach, Guide, Writer, Speaker,
He slammed me against the wall, his fingers crushing my windpipe. I could see the burst blood vessels in the corner of his eyes and smell his beer breath, ‘you b!t$h’. I tried to scream but I had no voice. I tried to break free but I had no power. I was lucky to survive that night.
When a friend confided in me that her boyfriend used to beat her up, I cried with her and opened up about my partner’s rage.
‘But he loves me,’ I said.
She shook her head, ‘If he loves you, he wouldn’t hurt you petal.’
My heart knew her words were true and with time I found the courage to leave him. Although divorce brought me freedom, I also carried deep shame, I felt like a failure. So I sought out experts in self-development and embarked on a journey of unlearning, trained in coaching, indigenous healing, meditations and energy fields. I integrated my human behaviour modelling and pattern recognition research into my coaching because what I loved most was helping people. I spent years learning to love and forgive myself.
It was pain-filled but undoubtedly worth it because now I am living my dream. Remarried with two beautiful children, I love helping women step into their power and claim their dreams back. Dream Catchers condenses all my learnings to help women find unshakable inner peace and purpose, without needing decades of struggle or huge investments of time and money.
Heidi’s Training and Qualifications
Heidi has a masters and doctorate in human behaviour modelling, and leverages her pattern recognition expertise to help women become aware of their own habits and make conscious choices that move them towards their dreams.
Heidi created her signature programme , Dream Catchers, based on her own life experience and her professional education. With Heidi’s gentle guidance, women are becoming more self-confident, able to recognise what makes them happy, appreciate their own self-worth and unique skills they bring to this world and begin to use their special gifts to live more purposefully.
Rather than teach the ‘one right way’, Heidi prefers to bring together a more holistic approach into her retreats, workshops and coaching programmes. She leverages the plethora of training and qualifications she has and brings the best of these together, tailoring to the individual’s needs, namely:
DOCTORATE in human behaviour modelling, becoming a world expert in her field, publishing multiple articles and presenting her research at academic conferences. (PhD)
FIRST CLASS HONOURS DEGREE and MASTERS in mathematical modelling and statistical analysis, specialising in human behaviour (MMATH)
TRAUMA-INFORMED INTROSPECTIVE BREATHWORK™️ PRACTITIONER: transformative, somatic healing to deepen emotional and physical connection through conscious breathwork.
HEARTMATH CONSULTANT (UK): to find coherence and access intuitive insight and heart intelligence.
HO’OPONOPONO PRACTITIONER (Hawaii): comprehensive certification programme based on indigenous healing practices. Holistic and therapeutic wellness specialist techniques that enable the release of emotional, mental, subconsious and conscious memory enabling euphoric awakening.
NON-VIOLENT COMMUNICATION (New York): Deep listening, concious language for connection and conflict resolution to create a more compassionate and sustainable world.
ECG CONSULTANT (London): Holistic consultancy training for ethical business practices, supporting companies to generate a positive social and environmental impact.
KONMARI CONSULTANT (Marie Kondo): simplifying your life to help you connect with joy.
CERTIFIED USUI RYOHO REIKI MASTER: hands on energy-based healing connecting with universal life force to promote wellness and balance.
FELLOW of the ASSOCIATION FOR COACHING (UK): Over 3000+ coaching delivery hours. Engage with a global network of Fellows with ongoing learning to ensure alignment with best practice techniques. Contributions and participation in thought-leadership events.
ROBBINS MADANES COACHING (USA): High level training for future leaders in the field of life coaching. Cutting edge strategies for creating positive changes in yourself and others.
HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL CERTIFIED COACHING (Magali Peysha, USA): Strategic intervention, inner wisdom, creativity and action-taking as a powerful expression of compassion in the world to live a more authentic and powerful life.
TUFF LEADERSHIP TRAINING FOR INDIVIDUALS (London): Deep listening, openness, co-creation, trust, delegation for relationships. Leadership, coaching and intentional conversations that shift patriarchy to partnership.
TUFF LEADERSHIP TRAINING FOR GROUPS (Amsterdam): delegation for leading large groups, creating collaborative working climates, with a culture of accountability and responsibility.
MENTORING STUDENTS (University of Salford): Teaching, coaching and mentoring undergraduate and postgraduate students.
ART OF HOSTING (Portugal): Powerful methods for creating open and meaningful conversation that leads to Facilitation and workshop training for hosting large groups and creating a safe environment for deep heart to heart sharing and co-creation.
SOCIOCRACY 3.0 (Bulgaria): Collaborative and flexible decision making for evolving agile and resilient organisations, improving performance, engagement and wellbeing.
THE 5 FUTURE ARCHETYPES (Anneloes Smitsman): Transforming your life, through awakening the 5 future archetypes: wholeness coder; future creative; evolutionary catalyst; pattern weaver and new paradign storyteller.
NEW STYLE OF LEADERSHIP (Lisbon): self-management consultancy training to create organisations that are agile, innovative and more resilient and able to deal with the additional complexity growing organisations face.
TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION (India): Silent mantra meditation to unlock brain power and improve mental and physical health. Quietening the active mind, to experience the most silent and peaceful level of awareness and achieve pure consciousness.
ACTUALISE OS (Ken Wilbur): Installing a new operating system for your mind that illiuminates the full spectrum of your potential to actualise the greatest possible version of yourself.
QUANTUM LEAP AURA COLORS (Pam Oslie): Accessing your natural quantum abilities to experience greater confidence, abundance joy, love, health, innerpeace, trust and freedom.
WARRIORS FOR THE HUMAN SPIRIT (Margaret Wheatley, Italy): Meditation, tai chi and mindful practices to become a warrior during times of uncertainty and chaos. Stengthening the ability to act with clarity and integrity in all situations. Confidence to step forward as a role model and mentor of the best human qualities of sanity, generosity, insight, patience and compassion.
INTEGRAL THEORY (Ken Wilbur): Placing a wide diversity of theories and thinkers into a single framework, drawing together an already existing number of separate paradigms into an interrelated network of approaches that are mutually enriching.
AGE OF SAGES (Jean Houston): Advanced training for personal growth, spiritual deepening, integrating quantum practices to accentuate learned wisdom.
If you are interested in Heidi’s services, click below to try a free meditation.